
20 Celebrity Weight Loss Transformations That Turned Heads

Contrary to what is believed that all Hollywood celebrities were blessed with good genes and perfect bodies, some celebrities have had to work very hard to meet the stereotypes that are called for in show business.

Some even turn to gastric bypass to lose weight, but there are also celebrities who managed to lose weight drastically thanks to dieting, and exercise. 

Here are the 15 most INSPIRING body transformations among celebrities over the years.

1. Adele

Adele weight loss

Since 2008 the singer has gained and lost a few kilos, but over the years she acquired a healthy diet that led her to reach her ideal weight. Although she has never disclosed how many kilos he lost, she always claimed that she did it for her own health and happiness and not for established industry standards.

Surely, Adele’s transformation has been one of the most talked about. Although she incorporated exercise into her life, Adele lost weight mainly due to changes in her diet, according to her personal trainer. 

2. Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera weight loss transformation

The singer lost almost 22 kilos in 2013. She assures that thanks to a diet and training regimen she was able to achieve it, but without a doubt what helped her the most was reiki, an ancient Asian practice with which she learned to control her mental and physical state.

3. Melissa McCarthy

Melissa mccarthy weight loss

Although the actress has not specified how much weight she lost, it is estimated that she has lost about 35 kilos. McCarthy says she has had fluctuations in her weight her entire life, but it increased when she moved to Los Angeles and started eating unhealthy food and stopped exercising. 

The actress went to a nutritionist for a controlled low-carbohydrate diet that helped her achiever her ideal weight.

4. Mom June

Mamá June weight loss before after

June Shannon became known for appearing on a reality show alongside her daughter Alana, better known as Honey Boo Boo. With the help of gastric sleeve surgery, diet and exercise, she has lost 131 kilos in recent years.

5. John Goodman

john goodman weight loss

The actor weighed 181 kilos in 2015, which was severely affecting his health. After filming “10 Cloverfield Avenue” in 2016, the actor felt he was fed up with his image.

After making the decision to lose weight, he managed to lose 45 kilos. His method was not complicated: “I just stopped eating all the time.” he says. He was on a diet and began to exercise, which allowed him to lose a whopping 45 kilos. 

6. Rebel Wilson

Rebel Wilson weight loss

The Australian actress began her weight loss two years ago and has since lost more than 25 kilos; her trick: physical training, perseverance and discipline.

The “Pitch Perfect” actress exceeded 100 kilos but in 2018 she had a health problem that motivated her to lose weight. Wilson made numerous changes to achieve her goal: eat fiber-rich foods (fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, and grains) and eat healthy fat snacks when she gets cravings (almonds, walnuts, guacamole, hummus with veggie chips).

7. Jennifer Hudson

Jennifer hudson weight loss

Since 2009, Jennifer has lost about 34 kilos thanks to a rigorous diet, since she does not have much time to exercise.

The Oscar-winning actress for “Dreamgirls” swapped simple carbohydrates and sugar for foods with complex carbohydrates, vegetables and grains. She also acquired habits like eating homemade food and playing basketball to keep in shape.

9. Khloé Kardashian

Khloé Kardashian weight loss

For years, Koko was referred to as “the chubby sister of the family”, which made her feel very uncomfortable with her body. But after divorcing Lamar Odom, she began to think more about her health and lost 40 pounds, then started her own television show called Revenge Body to teach people that it only takes determination, perseverance and a lot of self-esteem to lose weight.

10. Zach Galifianakis

Zach Galifianakis weight loss

The protagonist of the movie What Happened Yesterday lost so much weight that he now seems like a totally different person. He says that quitting alcohol was the best decision he made to achieve it.

11. Jordin Saparks

Jordin Saparks weight loss

The American Idol star lost 22 kilos in 2012 in a very simple way: he ate food without so many calories, he worked out with a trainer and he walked every day.

12. Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt weight loss

The actor lost weight when he landed the role of Star Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy. Beforehand, In 2013, while working on the series “Parks and Recreation” and was part of the cast of the film “Delivery Man”, Chris Pratt weighed 136 kilos. 

And when his weight prevented him from getting the roles he wanted, he began to change his habits. In 2014, for his role in “Guardians of the Galaxy” he lost more than 37 kilos in just six months. The actor hired a personal trainer for high-performance exercise and adopted the Paleo diet.

13. Josh Peck

Josh Peck weight loss

Throughout the four seasons that Drake and Josh lasted, we saw him somewhat overweight. However, the young actor decided to make a change in his life and began to follow a rigorous diet and exercise. He lost 50 kilos and he looks like a real heartthrob on his Youtube channel.

14. Matthew Lewis

Matthew Lewis weight loss

The actor rose to fame thanks to his role as Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter saga Although he was not overweight, he decided to get in shape to continue his acting career and especially so that he would not be pigeonholed in the same role for life.

15. Kristie Alley 

Kristie Alley weight loss

Since 2014, the actress has managed to lose 27 kilos thanks to changing her eating habits and starting to exercise. She recognizes her weaknesses with food, so she tries to avoid them at all costs and especially to maintain the weight that she desires.

16. Jonah hill

Jonah Hill weight loss before after

Hill dealt with weight fluctuations his entire life, reaching a maximum weight of 113 kilos. The two-time Oscar nominee revealed that his only secrets to losing weight have been to improve his diet, stop drinking beer and go for a run. Thus he managed to lose 30 kilos in a year.

17. Ethan Supple

Ethan Suplee weight loss

The actor of the series “My Name is Earl” was overweight all his life, until a chat with his colleague Jim Caviezel that motivated him to change. By then he weighed 230 kilos. By reducing his calorie intake by 20% and training 6 days a week, he achieved an impressive weight loss: 130 kilos less. His before and after is so brutal that Supple has admitted that he has problems getting hired, because they do not recognize him. 

18. James corden

James Corden weight loss

The British actor and entertainer dropped 38 kilos before settling in Los Angeles. In 2015, he told the Daily Mirror how he did it: “I stopped consuming sugar and bread. And now I only eat at lunchtime ”.

19. Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne weight loss

Thanks to her participation in the reality show Dancing With The Stars, in 2009 she started a strict diet and an exercise regimen that made her lose 31 kilos.

19. Chrissy metz

Chrissy Metz weight transformation

The “This is Us” actress suffered all her life from weight problems and some periods of depression only made the issue worse. When she turned 30 and after suffering a panic attack, she decided to change her lifestyle for good. She started eating 2,000 calories a day, gave up unhealthy food, and takes 20-minute walks a day. The result? She had lost 45 kilos in just 5 months.

If these celebrities’ can turn their life around, then so do you. You can start by reading more about the keto low-carb diet.


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