Fasting is a method of eating that involves abstaining or restricting food consumption for a certain time. In recent years, fasting has become increasingly popular as a method of losing weight.
Some types of fasting, such as the egg fast, involve low carbohydrate meal plans. In egg fast it involves eating mostly eggs and animal fats (cheese and butter) for a short period of time.
This regimen is used as a beginner’s starter on the ketogenic diet since it allows dieters to reach ketosis quickly.
This article explains how to do an egg fast and the basic rules such regimen.
What is Egg Fast Keto?
Basically it is a different way of fasting in which instead of stopping eating we limit the variety of foods we sustain from.
This type of fast consists of eating only eggs and fat for a short period of time. As the nutritional restriction is so limited, it can only be carried out for a maximum of 3-5 days.
The egg fast is a type of the ketogenic type where fats are predominantly consumed, proteins are allowed in moderate amounts and carbohydrates are reduced to the maximum.
With the egg fast diet, it is possible to enter ketosis quickly and burn fat sooner as a result.
Keto egg fast rules
The egg fast has a large number of rules, for example it should not be extended to a period greater than 3-5 days since it may have contraindications for your health, you should fast while sleeping and the eggs should be eaten whole with white and yolk.
The egg fast regimen is not recommended for people with high triglycerides or a fatty liver. This is because studies have recorded a possible increase in bad cholesterol and increased liver work. Here is how to do the egg-fast step by step:
- Eat a whole egg within 30 minutes of waking up
- All foods must have at least 1 egg as an ingredient
- At the end of the day, at least 6 eggs should be eaten.
- For each egg you should eat a tablespoon (12 g) of extra fat, cheeses, butter and vegetable oils (canola, olive, coconut, etc.) are allowed
- Fast from about 3 hours before going to bed until getting up
- If possible eat local and organic eggs
How does egg fasting work?
In egg fasting, blood glucose levels drop to minimal levels. When this happens, body fat can be used as an energy source.
The different types of body fat are transformed into ketone bodies. A kind of molecule that the body can use when glucose is not available. (3)
Although egg fasting is a good method for losing weight, the results depend on several factors, such as starting weight, height, age, gender, and BMI.
For example, a person with a high starting weight should expect to lose more fat than someone with a lower starting weight. To get an idea, the weight loss effects of egg fast are about 2-4 kilos in 3-5 days.
3 Day Egg Fast Menu
As with the keto diet, during egg fast sugar and most sweet foods are prohibited. White bread, flour and pasta, as well as sweets and most fruits do not allow you to enter ketosis .
In an egg fasting menu only eggs and sources of vegetable or animal fats are allowed, in addition some green vegetables are allowed as a contribution of vegetable fiber. Here is an example of an egg fasting menu:
Day 1
BREAKFAST: Scrambled eggs (2-3 units) with Parmesan cheese and butter. Black coffee.
MID-MORNING Snack: 30 g of cheese
SNACK: Handful of nuts
DINNER: Omelet (2-3 eggs) with mozzarella cheese and 50 grams of cherry tomatoes
Day 2
What to eat during the egg fast?
Well, as its name suggests, we are going to eat eggs for 5 days. The egg is the highest biological level protein and contains all the essential amino acids for our body. It is also rich in omega-3, iron, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium and vitamins B12, B1, B2, B3, A, D and E, among others. We could say that the egg is the super food par excellence.
In addition to the egg, during the egg fast we can include a tablespoon of healthy fat for every two eggs. We can consume butter, olive oil, coconut, avocado or homemade mayonnaise made with olive oil.
It is also allowed to take 30 grams of cheese for every 2 eggs , but not to exceed 120 grams per day. We will preferably choose non-carbohydrate and dry cheeses, for example, parmesan, cheddar, gouda etc.
It is recommended to drink plenty of liquids , not only water, but also tea and infusions and black coffee. As well as reducing to a minimum or completely eliminating sweeteners.
You can also use spices and seasonings as long as they are without carbohydrates, pepper, curry, hot or sweet paprika, oregano, basil…etc This will help you vary the flavors and make the egg fast a little more bearable.
You CANNOT consume anything else, nor any type of vegetables, nor meat or fish and much less desserts even if they are keto.
How to successfully perform the egg fast?
This type of fast is not for everyone! it is very easy to get tired of eating so many eggs, so it’s recommended most to people who have been doing the ketogenic or keto diet for several months and are used to being in ketosis.
If we also complement it with intermittent fasting (only if you already did it before) it can be a great combination to lose fat . Try to increase the hours of fasting on the days that you do the egg fast. If you did the 16/8 protocol, try increasing to 18/6. You will be even more successful.
Also recommended to cook the egg eggs in different ways so not to get tired with the diet. They can be fried, boiled, poached, scrambled or in an omelette. You will have to be very creative not to get bored, the type of fat and cheese also vary.
Buy organic eggs, cheese and fat if possible, free-range and happy eggs have many more nutrients and the taste is much better.
It is advisable to take a multivitamin supplement and collagen, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Salt your meals abundantly with Himalayan salt if possible to replace sodium.
These supplements will avoid the possible discomfort and headache, which although it is not common can happen when you restrict carbohydrates so much.
During the egg fast it is common to have difficulties going to the bathroom, so you can have senna tea or an infusion for intestinal transit. You can also take magnesium carbonate as well.
It is very important to sleep well while we do this fast, at least 8 hours a day and perform gentle exercises. Performing strong exercises can be counterproductive and we could have some dizziness, going for a walk or taking a bike ride is more than enough.
Eat whenever you feel hungry, without setting any type of schedule, if you notice that you are hungry, eat, listen to what your body tells you. There is no maximum number of eggs per day, you can eat whatever you want until you are satisfied. On the second day the cravings will subside according to most dieters.
Lastly, if you take your measurements and weigh yourself before starting you will be able to see the results after five days.
Side effects of egg fasting
Egg fasting should be viewed as a short-term type of diet. In no case should the egg fast be extended for periods greater than 5 days. Otherwise it may cause damages to health.
Studies have confirmed that doing any type of ketogenic diet for periods longer than 12 months can cause a deterioration of the nervous system.
In particular, the power of attention decreases, the speed of memory and the processing of visual information are affected. As well as a rise in triglycerides and cholesterol in the first weeks.
The main side effects of egg fasting are:
- Digestive problems
- Hypoglycemia
- Dehydration
- Bad breath
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Lack of vitamins and minerals
- Increase in bad cholesterol levels
- Constipation
- Keto flu
Egg fasting, as well as other types of fasting, is contraindicated for pregnant or lactating women. If you have any medical conditions, discuss it with your doctor or nutritionist before starting egg-fast or intermittent fasting. The contraindications of egg fasting are:
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women
- Diabetes type 1
- Fatty liver disorder
- Triglyceride or cholesterol problems
Egg fasting can have side effects, so it should not be extended over time. The duration should not be more than 3 – 5 days. To minimize the side effects of egg fast it is recommended to drink a greater amount of water.
And as always, before you embarked on any diet change, make sure to consult with a doctor to ensure you’re on the right path to a healthier you.